Graphic Treatment: Team RMHC Runner's Circle

The Heart of the Matter

For some of you this past weekend was a ‘cut back’ week, while for others it was running 14, 16 or 18-milers (happy “Sweet Sixteen” by the way, if that’s what you ran)—but no matter the distance, and regardless of how tough or how easy your run, be proud of all that you’re doing.

Running, training and fundraising for RMHC; and challenging yourself to do your best and be your best.

So far, our focus has been mostly about the physical side of training… building endurance, learning about ‘proper running form’ and understanding the important role that stretching, hydration and good nutrition play in helping you be your best.

AND you’ve learned that even after you’ve gained confidence in your physical self, there’s still a lot more to learn in terms of mental preparedness.

But there’s a third element to successfully running a marathon—heart.

‘Heart’ is that spirit inside each of us that “gets us out the door” to run on weekdays—especially when we really don’t have the time or energy to run; and it’s what drives us to get up at 5:00 AM (in the MORNING!) (ON A SATURDAY!!!) to run what have now become ‘crazylong’ long runs. (And yes, at this point “crazylong” is one word.)

And it is heart that will give you the strength run 26.2 miles on October 8.

On more occasions that I care to admit, when either my physical and/or mental fitness have somehow “broken down”—it is that spirit within me (and my faith) that have given me the strength to run the next mile.

And the next mile after that.

BODY, MIND and HEART… throughout the coming weeks, we’ll continue to talk about the role that each of these elements play in marathon training—but for now, know (with certainty!) that if you’ve made an honest commitment to your training schedule, that you will always, always have at least one of these three to take you across the ‘FINISH.’

Keep training safe.

And (of course) keep running strong.



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