Graphic Treatment: Team RMHC Runner's Circle

Enjoy The Joy

Extreme heat in many parts of the country is making this a very challenging training season, yet in spite of the heat (and humidity!) you’re ‘out there’… doing your best to be your best on Marathon Day.

Which pretty much sums-up what marathon training is really all about.

Doing your best.

Okay, let’s be honest. You’re not going to win the marathon (gasp!), so you might as well ‘enjoy the heck’ out of your training, and enjoy anticipating the unimaginable thrill of “running Chicago.”

Whether you’re training for your “first ever” marathon or your “tenth ever”... my wish for each of you is to enjoy the joy of having the desire and good health to train for and run the Bank of America Chicago Marathon.

Marathoners are, by nature, a rather competitive bunch. (Or haven't you noticed?)

Which is a good thing, as it keeps us always moving forward and always striving to achieve our next goal. But at the same time, being (too) competitive can be a not good thing... as we get so serious about our pace and our times that we often miss-out on the simple joy of "just running."

We're now in the really long 'long-run' stage of marathon training—all the more reason to run with your shoulders back and your head up, and with a smile on your face (and in your heart!) because of what you're going to achieve on October 8…


(And besides, running “with your shoulders back and your head up” is just good running form!)

Until then, keep doing all you can, the best you can… and have a safe (read: “injury-free”) training experience, so that come October you can be standing at the ‘START’ with a confident and determined spirit, and with an able and healthy body.


And thank you Team RMHC, for the real and important difference you’re helping make possible in the lives of every family staying at a Ronald McDonald House.


Train safe. Run strong.



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